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March Round Up

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A month it has been (dare I say March Madness?). No matter where you live I'm sure it's been crazy and I hope everyone does their part in slowing the spread of this virus. Regardless it's been another month of great music and I'm up and ready to see what April has in store. But first, the March Round Up!

March has been crazy, so for my song of the month there's no better fit than this jam by Jeff Rosenstock. The NY punk rock artist was the vocalist for a few bands before starting a solo career. 2015's We Cool? Is a really fun album to jam to and You, In Weird Cities is no exception. There's a really cool music video for this song where he toured the 5 boroughs of NYC in one day. Peep it here

Of course the band of the month is in my monthly playlist, definite shocker! The Swellers are superb, and The Best I Ever Had is an unforgettable track. I can see why it was their most popular song in terms of track listens online. It's an upbeat, melodic, and lyrically heavy pop punk song and for me they tend to get stuck in my head.


Hot Mulligan- BCKYRD

Hot Mulligan has grown a lot overall with their newest album, You'll Be Fine. They've kept their unique sound but bring a lot more to the table lyrically. BCKYRD is my favorite track off of the new album and was frequently played on my playlist this month. It's one of those songs that I can't help singing along to once I memorize the lyrics.

Swancore is one of my favorite (sub?)sub genres and Dwellings brings all the elements of an awesome Swancore band. Vocally similar to Kurt Travis DGD, Dwellings is groovy and heavy. See It Through is one of my favorites off the album Lavender Town, with a nice taste of prog and plenty of melodic and heavy vocals. 

I feel like putting this song is a bit out of place. It should be geared towards an appreciation post but it ended up on my playlist this month. Lions Among Us was a metalcore band from Pennsylvania with a message of positivity. Love Revolution slaps, and in my opinion has aged well which isn't always the case with old(er) metalcore songs. Their final album Dream Chaser is a special album for me; I feel like it's an acquired taste and many I shared it with didn't like the heavy vocals. It's nothing super special musically, but overall it's a great album.

Honorable Mentions:

That about does it for the monthly round up for March. I'm actually an idiot for not doing this with the last one but I will be leaving links to my monthly playlists at the end of each round up post. I use Youtube Music for a lot on my on the go listening so that or YT itself will run the playlist as is. Hope you enjoyed!


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