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Review: Origami Angel- Somewhere City


Welcome to Somewhere City, the 2019 release by D.C. based Origami Angel. The two piece group are a vibe, and emo centered in genre but have a lot of math rock/pop punk elements as well.

Somewhere City is not only the album name, but the setting of most songs as well. It's a great rollercoaster of nostalgia, happiness, and self contentment. Take a trip to the 24hr Drive-Thru, it's a little late but we can fill up our water cups with Dr. Pepper. 24hr Drive-Thru is probably my favorite track off the album. They switch up the tempo and style throughout the song and it works really well. After the drive thru we can watch some Danny Phantom and eat our Happy Meals. It's like a time machine back to a better time and place. Doctor Whomst is about being the best version of yourself. This song hits pretty heavy, and is a sing along pick me up. Songs like The Title TrackSkeleton Key, and The Air Up Here all have some really potent messages and caught my attention specifically as well.

The concept of this album in my opinion is that Somewhere City is a mental place or state of mind. It sets the storyboard of a life where you become better after visiting this hypothetical place. I think that's the point of it being "Somewhere" City, no one knows where it's located, but people have been there. Pack your bags and hit the road, you will make it there eventually. This album was so well written and really feels like a trip to a better place. I'd go far as to say that even if you don't care for it musically, you'd certainly get something out of the lyrics.


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