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April Round Up

Well, you know what they say. "A day late a dollar short", or something to that effect. April has been a busy month but it's over with, so lets hop into the monthly round up!

Nova Charisma is a post-hardcore band from Baltimore consisting of members from Hail the Sun and Royal Coda. For fans of DGD, Nova Charisma fits right in with similar bands such as Stolas, Sianvar etc. Donovan Melero has such a fresh voice that you can't help singing along with.

More Than A Thousand- Teenage Wastelands

MTAT was a Portuguese metalcore band that formed in 2001 and ended in 2016. I've been a listener of theirs for years and they have a unique sound compared to American metalcore bands. Teenage Wastelands is a more melodic and melancholic song compared to most of their other work. This song made it to the round up but I couldn't just not link I Am The Anchor.

Eleventyseven- Give It Up

Oh geez what a throwback. Eleventyseven are a Synth Pop band from South Carolina, and really this is the only song I've listened to by them. It's certainly good, albeit with a good amount of pop music the lyrics are rather corny. But who's to judge? I enjoy it enough to have it on my monthly round up and I probably listened to it like 20 times in April.

Nude Shoes- Couple's Jenga

Some absolutely fresh pop-punk/emo from Asbury Park, NJ, Nude Shoes has one EP and a few singles. Via their Facebook page, they have new material coming soon; It's worth checking out for sure. Once the 'rona pandemic is over, I'll have to catch a show as I'm within 2 hours of Asbury.

Mewithoutyou- We Know Who Our Enemies Are

Experimental Post Hardcore from Philly, Mewithoutyou is straight in your face hardcore. Their Album A--B Life is a masterpiece in my opinion. This EP is some demos of songs that would end up being on A to B.

Also worth mentioning

Near Mint- Dropout

Cursive- A Gentleman Caller

Jakub Zytecki- Letters

Slothrust- Crockpot

As always, I hope you enjoy the music! And perhaps even the posts themselves. Peace 8)

April Playlist


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