Hello hello, internet folks! A bit of an off kind of post, but still on topic for this blog. I've conjured a few ideas for future posts, but these will be more long term "projects" if that's the correct word.
Essentially, I'd like to really work more on playlist building. One such playlist will be the 2020 playlist which I plan to release at the end of the year, highlighting songs from each of my monthly playlists. A playlist made of playlists; playception! Included with that will be the entirety of each playlist generated this year. That one's around 150 songs at this point, which doesn't sound like a lot; and it isn't really. If I were to include every song from every album it'd just be a mess, but there will certainly be some goodies added in there as well.
Another idea of mine (props if you've made it through this wall of text and are still reading) will be genre specific playlists. It'll take time to build these considering a lot of songs can fit into multiple genres, and artists themselves covering multiple styles. Realistically, these playlists could range from EDM, Indie, Emo, Hardcore, Metal, and several sub genres. I don't want to go crazy with it but considering the amount of material I've collected and listened to over the years it's a bit boggling. It'll take some dedication for sure.
While you're here, I ought to at least put a song in the post. So here's one of my favorites from a truly legendary musician.
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds- Sail On
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds- Sail On
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