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September Round Up

2020, 2020 never changes. You can interpret that as you may but needless to say it's been a crazy year for all of us. September's playlist is a bit shorter than other months, but that's mostly because I've been jamming along to a playlist that I'll share eventually. It may be fine tuned by then but let's get into the roundup for now!

There's something truly impactful with ERRA's music and one of those characteristics is the perfect blend of chaos and some of my favorite clean vocals. Snowblood is nothing short of the pure excellent content they've released in the past. I've already mentioned their album Drift in previous posts, and they're just really great in my opinion.

Blending some twinkly math rock and alt-pop sounding vocals, Miles Paralysis is really fun to listen to. The instrumental work flows so well and compliments the vocals perfectly. Nothing is also a really good song, it reminds me of The Wonder Years a bit.

Texas In July was such a great band, unfortunately their last album came out in 2014. I was lucky enough to catch one of their last shows as a band and they were phenomenal. Metalcore was heavily white washed and sometimes monotonous during the late 00's-early 2010's in my opinion but Texas In July always brought more to the table.

I was actually listening to some Northlane and these guys popped up. Fellow Australian metal band Diamond Construct has that nice swing to it with heavy hitting bass and vocals. 

Honorable Mentions:

You Blew It!- Award Of The Year Award

No Pressure- Deal

Jank- Vin Decent

September Playlist

Apologies for the seemingly brief post, I've been messing around with a bunch of new content and ideas for a bit now and some will come to fruition. Thanks for checking out my post!


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